조회: 6,286    업데이트: 13-01-15 10:19




이 경 희

대구교육대학교 졸업
계명대학교 미술대학원 석사학위 취득 및 동 대학원 미술학 박사 수료

■ 개인전 23회

2024 Solo exhibition(Gallery G2, Tokyo, Ginza)
2024 Solo Exhibition(抚顺市雷鋒大劇場, China)
Gallery hue 초대전
Museum Soo 초대 이경희전
서울아트쇼 Solo-Booth(SOEX)
갤러리라메르 초대 개인전 (서울, 인사동)
수성구미술가협회 선정 작가 초대전 (수성문화원, 대구)
이경희 개인전 (하나로갤러리, 서울)
부산국제아트페어 특별전 (BEXCO, 부산)
in New York 개인전 (Crossingart Gallery, 뉴욕)
대구아트페스티벌 개인전 (대구문화예술회관)
대구아트페어 개인전 (EXCO, 대구)
이경희 개인전 (Gallery RO, 대구)
부산국제아트페어 개인전 (Bexco, 부산)
모스크바 국립미술관 초대 한국국제미술협회 아트페어 개인전
(Moscow 국립미술관)

■ 수상

2018 대한민국미술대전 2회 수상(2018 구상부문 특선)
2017 제36회 대한민국 미술대전 입상
2016 대구미술협회 회장상
2014 수성구미술가협회 선정 작가
2013 5월‘Korea 트리뷴’이달의 작가 선정
2012 교육과학기술부장관상 수상
2012 한국을 빛낸 스타 대상 (서양화부문) 수상
16회 대한민국 대구·경북미술대전 최우수상
32회 국제선면전 우수상
36회 동경국제미술전 우수상

1st SWEDEN ARTS COLLECTION, 3rd Paris Arts Collection, 33회, 35회 동경국제미술전,
24회 대한민국 회화대전, 18~19회 무등미술대전, 대한민국 정수미술대전, 23회 대구미술대전,
35회 경상북도 미술대전, 국제유교문화미술대전, 삼성현미술대전 등 다수 수상.

■ 연재 

소년영남일보‘이경희 선생님과 함께 하는 창의성 키우는 그림읽기’(2003~04)
Miss Korea와 함께 하는 행복세상만들기 (한국일보)‘그림 속 Love’(2004~05)

■ 그룹전

2009~ 한·일 현대미술 100인전
2011~ Daegu·St. Petersburg Fine Art Exchange Exhibition
대구미술협회전 (대구문화예술회관), ASIA OPEN ART FAIR 참가 (일본전 사가현)
주일 동경 한국대사관주최 한·중·일·대만 현대작가 초대 동경교류전,대구미술협회전,
제33회 동경국제미술전, 히로시마 평화미술제, 대구구상회화제 (대구시민회관)
대구·센다이 건축·미술·사진·문학 국제교류전, ASIA OPEN ART FAIR, International Art Festival Sydney (호주 시드니),
예지앙 갤러리 기획초대전 -‘각형각색-나를 만나다’등 150여회

■ 現

수성구미술가협회 미술대회 운영위원장, 한국미술협회(대구지부) 이사, (사)한국국제미술협회 이사, 아름다운 동행, (사)한국창조미술협회원, 대구가톨릭대학교 미래지식포럼 25기

■ 연락처

E.mail : khlee017@hanmail.net
Homepage : khlee.artko.kr

Lee kyoung Hee

Graduated from Daegu National University of Education
Completed the doctoral course in Art, Graduate School, Keimyung University

■ Personal Art Exhibition; 22 times

10th. Invitation Exhibit of Artist selected by Gallery lamer in seoul
9th. Invitation Exhibit of Artist selected by Suseong-gu Artist Association
(Suseong Cultural Center, Daegu)
8th. Personal Art Exhibition of Lee, Kyoung-Hee (Hanaro Gallery, Seoul)
7th. Special Exhibition of Busan International Art Fair (BEXCO, Busan)
6th. Personal Art Exhibition in New York (Crossingart Gallery, New York)
5th. Personal Exhibition of Daegu Art Festival (Daegu Culture & Art Center)
4th. Personal Exhibition of Daegu Art Fair (EXCO, Daegu)
3rd. Personal Art Exhibition of Lee, Kyoung-Hee (Gallery RO, Daegu)
2nd. Personal Exhibition of Busan International Art Fair (BEXCO, Busan)
1st. Korea International Art Association Art Fair invited by Moscow National Art Museum: Personal Art Exhibition (Moscow National Art Museum, Russia)

■ Award

Won the Award of 2014 Artist selected by Suseong-gu Artist Association
Selected as the artist of this month in 'Korea Tribune' on May, 2013.
Won the Grand Prize at LA 2012 International Works Art Fair
(Award of the President of Federation of Artistic and Culture Organization of Korea)
Won the Prize of 2012 Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Won the Grand Prize at 2012 Starts who glorified Korea (Part : Western Painting)
Won the 1st Prize at the 16th Korea Daegu & Gyeongbuk Art Fair
Won the Excellence Award at the 32nd Exhibition of International Art on Fan
Won the Excellence Award at the 36th Tokyo International Art Fair
Won a number of awards at the 1st Sweden Arts Collection, the 3rd Paris Arts
Collection, the 33rd and 35th Tokyo International Art Exhibition, the 24th Korea Painting Exhibition, the 18th~19th Moodeung Art Exhibition, Korea Jeongsoo Art Exhibition, the 23rd Daegu Art Fair, the 35th Gyeongsangbukdo Art Exhibition, International Art Exhibition of Confucianism Culture, Samsung Art Exhibition, etc.

■ Serial Publication  

'Reading Picture for Creativity with Mrs. Lee, Kyoung-Hee in Children's
(Yeoungnam Ilbo) - (2003~04)
'Making a Happy World with Miss Korea' in Hankook Ilbo 'Love in Pictures' - (2004~05)

■ Group Art Exhibition

Participated in about 150 group arts exhibitions including the following:
Korean&Japan Modern Art Fair of 100 Artists in 2009
Daegu-St. Petersburg Fine Art Exchange Exhibition in 2011
Daegu Art Association Exhibition (Daegu Culture & Art Center)
Tokyo Exchange Exhibition of Korea-China-Japan-Taiwan Modern Artists Invitation hold by Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Tokyo, Japan
Daegu Art Association Exhibition
The 33rd Tokyo International Art Exhibition
Hiroshima Peace Art Festival
Daegu Design Painting Festival (Daegu Citizen Hall)
Daegu-Sendai Architecture, Art, Photo, Culture International Exchange Exhibition
International Art Festival Sydney (Sydney, Australia)
Yejiang Gallery Plan Invitation Exhibit-'Diversity-I Meet Me' and others;

■ At Present 

A Member of Korea Art Association.
A Member of (Corp.) Korea International Art Association.
A Member of Suseong-gu Artist Association.

■ Contact

E.mail : khlee017@hanmail.net
Homepage : khlee.artko.kr